Choose Your Cleanse

Lose up to 20 lbs with our blended juice cleanse for weight loss, and detox vital organs with organic whole foods.


$529 $264.50

Lose Up to 20 Pounds
Experienced Cleansers
Maximum Results


$329 $164.50

Lose Up to 15 Pounds
Perfect Detoxifier
Most Popular


$139 $69.50

Lose Up to 5 Pounds
Great for Beginners
Quick & Powerful

As Seen On

Why Chef V's Cleanse

Safe, Gentle & Effective!

No green powders, pills or other gimmicks. Lose up to 20 lbs with our blended juice cleanse for weight loss, and detox vital organs with organic whole foods and detox soups.

No Suffering!

Fiber-packed green drinks, protein shakes & detox soups provide rock-steady energy all-day that won't leave you running to the toilet.

Easy to Follow!

Let your Private Chef and Nutritional Therapist, do all the work! That means no prep work, no clean-up and easy to follow instructions.


Our organic juice cleanses for weight loss are available nationally starting at $49. Always handmade after you order, then delivered to your front door fresh by our delivery drivers in New York, New Jersey, and California. Choose from 1, 3 & 5 days.

I'm still losing weight!

“Thank you Chef V for reviving me! The 3 day cleanse gave me life and re-energized me. I lost 9 lbs and still losing weight! I’m back to being me again! I should have done the 5 day cleanse, d’oh!”
– Julissa

How It Works

1. Customize

Pick the plan that works for you, and get a buddies to join you!
Original or tropical flavors.

2. Schedule Delivery

Choose the delivery day that works for you. Pickups require 24 hour notice.

3. Enjoy!

You'll be getting everything you need to lose weight and feel great for 1, 3 or 5 days.

Common Questions

On each day of your Organic Juice Cleanse, you get:

4 Green Juices – Four 16 oz Green Drinks per day to improve digestion and increase metabolism. Cleanse vital organs and rid harmful toxins from the body without the discomfort of other juice cleanses. Our organic green drinks are cold-blended to preserve nutrient density and consist of 7 certified organic green veggies: green kale, black kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, green chard, curly parsley and green leaf lettuce; sweetened with a little apple to satisfy your taste buds.

2 Protein Shakes – Two 16 oz Protein Shakes per day to maintain muscle and keep you going strong all day. Stay satisfied throughout the day on this organic juice detox with this raw, whole food protein shake made with organic pea protein powder. Each serving contains an abundance of invigorating nutrients, including all nine essential amino acids, that rejuvenate the body.

1 Detox Soup – One 16 oz “SOUPer Detox” to end each day with a warm, delicious meal that flushes your vital organs and leaves you satisfied. A flavorful soup packed with local, organic ingredients that may help detoxify your body. Enjoy while you cleanse your liver, improve digestion, regulate blood sugar, and more.

What Results Should I Expect?

My Organic Juice Cleanse comes with easy to follow directions that include pre- and post-cleanse recipes specifically formulated to help you ease into and out of your organic detox. Plus, your very own Chef V Shaker Cup to measure Green Drinks, Protein Shakes, and water consumption.

This Organic Juice Cleanse is the best cleanse to give your body the chance to:

– Improve digestive function and speed up your metabolism for immediate and lasting weight loss results.

– Eliminate harmful toxins built up and stored in your body’s fat cells.

– Enjoy deeper sleep. Wake up feeling refreshed and bursting with natural energy.

– Burn fat, gain energy, boost your immune system, think clearer, and relieve stress.

Most organic juice detox programs do not result in sustainable results. That’s because they aren’t satisfying enough. If you’re drinking nothing but juice, even organic juice, your body is likely not receiving the nutrition it needs to be satiated. And when that’s the case, what do you think happens after the 3 day detox is over? Major cravings and bingeing.

That’s why Chef V’s Organic Juice Cleanse is the best cleanse. The green drinks, shakes and soups give you all the nutrition you need to stay satisfied. And what could be more convenient than having them delivered fresh to your door?

1. Customize your plan: Choose Original, Tropical or Both. Select bottle size (16oz or 64oz) and number of people (1, 2 or 4).


2. Schedule the delivery day that works for you. Pickups require 24 hour notice.


3. Enjoy weekly Green Drink deliveries delivered to your front door fresh.

Green Drink (4x 16oz each day) 16oz serving: 52 calories, 0g fat, 24mg sodium, 6g carbs, 1g fiber, 6g sugar, and 1g protein. Certified Organic: Black Kale, Green Kale, Collard Greens, Green Leaf Lettuce, Curly Parsley, Green Chard, Dandelion Greens, Apple and Apple Juice with filtered water.

Chocolate Shake (1oz each day) 28g Serving: 116 calories, 3g fat, 203mg sodium, 5g carbs, 3g fiber, 0g sugar, and 17g protein. Organic Pea Protein Isolate, Organic Cacao Powder, Organic Stevia, Organic Luo Han Guo Extract.

Vanilla Shake (1oz each day) 28g Serving: 117 calories, 3g fat, 186mg sodium, 3g carbs, 1g fiber, 0g sugar, and 20g protein. Pea Protein Isolate 80%-Organic, Organic Bourbon Vanilla Flavor Powder, Organic Stevia Extract, Organic Debittered Stevia Extract.

Ginger Carrot-Zing Soup (days 1, 3 & 5) 16oz serving: 340 calories, < 1g fat, 474mg sodium, 80g carbs, 13g fiber, 9.5g sugar, and 6g protein. Certified Organic: Carrot, Yam, Onion, Ginger, Garlic, Turmeric and Sea Salt with filtered water.

Sweet Potato Curry Soup (days 2 & 4) 16oz serving: 215 calories, 0.4g fat, 467mg sodium, 49.8g carbs, 7.5g fiber, 11g sugar, and 4.3g protein. Certified Organic: Sweet Potato, Leek, Onion, Garlic, Ginger, Turmeric, Curry and Sea Salt with filtered water.

Yes, Green Drinks and Detox Soups must be refrigerated.

Your cleanse is good for 7 days from the day it arrives. Consume all products before the expiration date.


For the best results it is highly recommend to follow the pre-cleanse instructions for 2 days prior to starting your cleanse. Upon scheduling your cleanse, Chef V will send you complete pre-cleansing directions including recipes, tips and more.


Yes, you will be able to perform your regular daily activities. Light exercise is fine but listen to your body and don’t over do it.


No. It is not safe to cleanse while pregnant or breastfeeding. You release toxins into the bloodstream and can be passed on to the baby. It is recommended to wait until after breastfeeding to cleanse. However having a green drink with healthy diet should be ok, as long as you are not high risk. Our drinks are not pasteurized and could have harmful bacteria that is not recommended for pregnant, elderly, or those with weakened immune systems.


A. All of our Green drinks are raw (unpasteurized), vegan, gluten-free and certified organic. We do not use any nuts, soy, or dairy in any of our cleanse products. However our products are made in a kitchen that handles nuts. There are no nuts in our green drink, protein shakes or detox soups. Chef V's detox soups are heat pasteurized. Soups come cooked and need to be reheated.

WARNING: This product has not been pasteurized and therefore may contain harmful bacteria that can cause serious illness in children, the elderly, and persons with weakened immune systems.

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