CBS News New York: Best Juice Cleanses in NY

CBS News New York: Best Juice Cleanses in NY
CBS News reviews Chef V 21 Day detox

CBS says: "A juice cleanse offers an opportunity to hit reset, whether you’ve been over-indulging or just need to get your electrolytes et al in gear."

CBS's review of Chef V:

Chef V
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CBS says: "Chef V offers a three-, five- and seven-day cleanse, a combination of juices, broths and shakes. Everything is totally vegan, certified organic and gluten-free. Serious cleansers might want to check out the 21-day detox, a veritable master plan to get your health on track, combining sensible meals with the signature Green Drink and protein shakes. The aforementioned Green Drink packs—count ‘em—seven greens and apples into the bottle, practically guaranteed to boost your immune system and your spirit."
CBS New York Best Juice Cleanses in NY