The Power Of Super Greens

The Power Of Super Greens
Best Foods For Great S-E-X

From the earth to the kitchen, to you! A blended green drink is mother nature’s gift to our guts.

According to research conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and reported in Time, only 12.2 percent of American adults eat the daily recommended amount of fruit, and a measly 9.3 percent eat the recommended amount of vegetables.

With a blended green juice, like in Chef V’s green drink, you can get your daily recommended dose of fruit and vegetables and a range of additional health benefits. Blended super greens floods your body with nutrients and hydration that are easily absorbed in your digestive system.

In this blog, we break down what blended green juice is, its health benefits, and how to do a blended juice cleanse properly.

What Is Green Drink?

Chef V’s green drink is one of the best things you can put in your body. Why? Because of super greens!

Super greens are green vegetables. Such as celery, kale, spinach, lettuce, cucumber, green chard, collard greens, dandelions, herbs and more. To put it simply, If it’s green, it’s packed with nutrients. Here are the specific benefits of green vegetables in Chef V’s cleanse:

* Black Kale & Green Kale for a powerful antioxidant combo
* Cholesterol busting Collard Greens
* Green Leaf Lettuce for eyesight and bones
* Curly Parsley to fight inflammation
* Dandelion Greens for iron-filled liver detoxing
* Green Chard is a nutrient-rich powerhouse

The blended green drink is also full of natural fibre due to all the leafy greens. Fibre provides many benefits, including helping to regulate bowel movements, improving digestive health, lowering cholesterol, and preventing blood sugar spikes.

Ancient Secrets To Enjoying Sex

Health Benefits Of Blended Green Juice

The reason why super greens are so beneficial is that they are excellent sources of several essential vitamins, minerals, and beneficial plant compounds. Blended green juices are packed with vitamins A, K, C, B-9, manganese, iron, and more.

A lot of people don’t know, but vitamins in fruits and vegetables, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, are actually absorbed better in liquid form.

Ladies: don’t feel like getting it on lately? Got no mojo, gentlemen? Here’s how certain foods and holistic health can improve your sex life. A curious thing happened in the initial weeks of the pandemic. Couples who for the most part functioned as roommates prior to the pandemic suddenly rediscovered their intimate side. Despite the stress and fear in the early days of the pandemic, stay-at-home orders led to an initial increase in sex. After all, what else is there to do besides watch TV when you’re stuck at home all day and night? However, as stay-at-home orders eased (at least in the U.S.) and life’s other chronic stressors returned to the fold, our collective libido plummeted to pre-pandemic levels. So if your libido is shot because of Covid-anxiety and life’s general grinding assault, I’ve got some tips for you… Root Causes Of Low Libido But before I share my tips for restoring your libido, including the best foods to eat for a healthy sex life, let’s explore some of the factors responsible for lowering sex drive. Obviously, stress is a huge factor. But how exactly does stress affect libido? Chronic stress places a huge demand on two glands that rest on top of the kidneys called the suprarenal glands. You probably know these glands by their more familiar name, the adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands produce stress hormones such as cortisol. Cortisol plays several critical roles in the body, including normalizing inflammation levels; regulating blood pressure, and increasing blood sugar in order to deal with an emergency situation. The problem with chronic stress is that your body acts as if it’s always an emergency situation. And after a while, elevated or insufficient cortisol levels cause an imbalance of sex hormones. Imbalanced sex hormones can make sex torturous for women. For example, poor sex hormone balance can lead to vaginal dryness. Women who suffer from vaginal dryness often experience anxiety before intimacy because of the dilemma caused by the lack of enjoyment and the desire to please their partner. This pre-intimacy anxiety leads to a vicious cycle of more stress. And it’s not just women going through menopause that experience this. For men, excess cortisol results in poor sexual performance or a lack of desire to engage in sexual activity. Air Fryer Ancient Secrets To Enjoying Sex No, I’m not going to rehash steamy scenes from the Kama Sutra here. But what I do want to share is the simple yet profound logic of traditional Chinese medicine that rules all aspects of life including getting it on between the sheets. You’ve probably heard of Yin and Yang. But can you define them? No, it’s not as simple as opposites. Rather, Yin and Yang are two halves of the same whole, constantly transforming but always striving to maintain harmony. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, every organ system strives for Yin/Yang balance, or as we would say in the West, homeostasis. When homeostasis is achieved, that is every single bodily system is running efficiently, a healthy libido will naturally arise (no pun intended). When your body is mostly humming perfectly along with Yin-Yang balance, blood vessels widen, circulation improves, the synapses that activate sensory organs fire more effectively and sex organs and sensual areas of the body receive enhanced blood flow. air fryer and avocado oil How To Achieve Yin-Yang Balance For Great Sex

Improves Digestion & Immune System

It is said that over 80% of our immune system lives in our gut. This is why eating a healthy, balanced diet offers us so many health benefits for every area of our bodies.

Green vegetables are full of powerful enzymes and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is known to strengthen our immune system as it increases our body’s production of red blood cells. It also helps to enhance our cell’s ability to carry oxygen around the body.

Additionally, green vegetable drinks are packed with vitamins that are essential for helping your body kill bad germs and viruses. A healthy gut microbiome is achieved by what you eat.

What is a gut microbiome?

The gut microbiome is a collection of trillions of microorganisms — mostly bacteria — that reside throughout your digestive tract. These different, healthy bacterias depend, in large part, on your diet. The microbiome serves many beneficial functions, including helping to digest certain nutrients, producing vitamin K and certain B vitamins, and protecting us against other microorganisms that can cause disease.

The more variety of vegetables you eat a day, the healthier your gut bacteria will be.

Green vegetables are also a natural prebiotic. This aids the digestion system to better break down foods. This reduces constipation and helps the body produce more frequent and healthy bowel movements. Prebiotics also help with weight maintenance and reduced constipation.
Reduces Bloat

Reduces Bloat

Green leafy vegetables help reduce inflammation in the body. This is because they are both easy on the gut, and help eliminate toxins from the body. This reduction in inflammation and toxins is also known to help reduce the risk of heart disease. It can also help improve mental health.

According to Christine Lydon, MD, of Yale Medical School “Inflammatory processes lie at the root of virtually every chronic disease process known to modern man – from obesity and diabetes to heart disease and cancer.”

Improves Skin

Hydration is one of the main things that helps to keep our skin youthful, bouncy and producing natural collagen. Blended green juice cleanses further aid in hydration as you are only ingesting liquids. Doing a blended green juice cleanse, or having a blended green drink a day, will help you maintain dewy, glowing skin.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Blended Veggie Juice

What’s better than being able to drink your daily dose of vegetables and nutrients? Blended green juice makes it so easy to be the healthiest version of yourself.

For making an effective green drink, a good rule of thumb we follow is ensuring there are at least three vegetables for every fruit. This is to reduce the amount of sugar and carbs so you can get the most out of your drink. Chef V’s green drink is made solely of vegetables and herbs, finished off with a little green apple to satisfy our taste buds.

Try A Chef V Blended Green Juice Cleanse Today!

If you’re looking to slim down, debloat, improve your skin and lessen digestive issues, then a Chef V cleanse could be just what you need. If you’re still unsure, get in touch! We can help you select the right blended juice detox program for you.