Cleansing with Diabetes - Whitney’s Story

Cleansing with Diabetes - Whitney’s Story
leaky gut

Whitney generously shares her experience with green drink as she manages her Type 1 diabetes. (@happypancreas) story amidst her journey with Type 1 Diabetes – an incurable disease that affects the body’s immune system response, leading to the inability of the cells in the pancreas to create the blood-sugar-controlling hormone, insulin.

While cleansing with diabetes can be limiting, Whitney has proved otherwise in her experience with Chef V. Her website is

your microbiome - bacteria

Living with Type 1 Diabetes

When living with a non-insulin producing (i.e. broken) pancreas, caution is brought into almost every “no caution needed,” average situation.

Going for a light jog? Running into Trader Joe’s for your favorite snack? Ordering your favorite smoothie?–these seem like random, simple, mindless activities. . . but the reality is that simple jog or healthy smoothie could make waves in your entire day.

With Type 1 diabetes you must always be “on” and aware of your ever-changing (sometimes dangerous) blood sugar levels. It throws a wrench in almost every ordinary situation and can often leave you feeling hindered and limited in trying things “normal” people try especially cleanses due to their (typical) high sugar content.

Attempting to offset the sharp rise in blood sugars from a juice can be nearly impossible with Type 1 so staying clear of them is often encouraged diabetic educators and endocrinologists — and rightfully so.

leaky gut

So when one of my best friends introduced me to ChefV and mentioned the low sugar content, I was skeptic! She wanted me to do try the 3 Day Cleanse, but I was nervous. It seemed impossible for a juice to be low sugar.

But after thorough research, I found that Chev’s blended green juice had less than 6 grams per serving, so I was ready to give this a try and see what happened with my blood sugars.

I knew it would require mindfulness and hard work, since it was new and uncharted territory for me – but I was ready.

Flash forward five years later, and I have successfully cleansed 5 times with Chef V’s three day juice cleanse and it has changed not just how I feel physically, but also my entire perspective on cleansing.

A cleanse doesn’t have to be blood sugar bomb – full of mainly juiced fruits and veggies.

Chef V shows that vegetables should be the star ingredients in all your juice blends. Blending: Black Kale, Green Kale, Collard Greens, Green Leaf Lettuce, Curly Parsley, Green Chard, Dandelion Greens, and using a touch of apple to complement and enhance the flavor of the veggies.

This magical blend is how cleansing is 100% possible with diabetes. All the benefits… minus the sugar trap!