Essential Autumn Detox: with soup!

Essential Autumn Detox: with soup! Happy autumn! Cooler, brisk fall days call for warmer comfort foods. Comfort foods and cleansing go together with my Chef V cleanses. My cleanses include delicious Carrot Ginger and Sweet Potato Curry soups, soothing and filling on a cold fall evening. Doing a detox cleanse right now may protect you from colds and getting the flu in the next few months. Plus, doing a detox is like giving your organs a much-needed tune-up for the colder months ahead.

Well that was fast. Summer flew by, didn't it?

The nights aren't quite chilly yet. But they will be soon. And viruses thrive in cold weather. Within a couple months, you'll likely find yourself spending much more time indoors. When you're sharing oxygen in a confined space, that's when your body is more susceptible to catching colds and flu viruses. The state of your immune system right now will be a major factor in determining if you're going to have to call in sick for work a lot later in the fall and winter. You might feel totally healthy now. But if you ate a lot of barbecues over the summer along with alcohol, ice cream and other inflammatory foods, your immune system might be weakened right now without you knowing it. And if you don't detox your system now, your immune system's energy will be spent trying to get rid of the toxic load in your organs, instead of devoting all of its resources to fighting viruses. Hey, maybe you're one of the lucky ones and can spend an entire summer feasting on foods with refined carbohydrates. Perhaps you're a genetic freak who never gets sick despite a diet rich in foods with white flour, sugar, and saturated fats. But if you're not a member of the dietary one-percent I have some advice for you on boosting your immune system right now.... Below, my Black Bean Soup, a recipe from my cookbook. A cleanse-friendly recipe created to accompany my cleanses and detoxes.

Ditch Sugar Addiction & Reset Your Metabolism In Just 21 Days

In addition to eating unhealthy food in the summer, another reason you might be more vulnerable to getting sick during cold/flu season is stress.

Recently, I wrote about staying healthy for the back to school season. But even if you don't have kids the hectic holiday season is only a couple months away. Many of us feel stressed out around the holidays. And when stress strikes, lots of people cope by snacking on sugary treats and other unhealthy food. If you can relate to feeling stressed out during the winter holidays or ate lots of unhealthy food this past summer, I suggest trying my 21 Day Detox. My 21 Day Detox is 100% organic. Although you'll very likely lose weight after doing a 21 Day Detox, my program is far more than just a weight loss solution. More than that, my 21 Day Detox will teach you how to adopt healthier eating habits. Not just for the 21 days but for weeks, months and even years after the detox is over.

How Does The 21 Day Detox Work?

During the 21 Day Detox, you'll have days when you follow my Cleanse protocol, which provides you with four servings of 16 oz Green Drinks, 2 Protein Shakes and a Detox Soup. Then, on other days, you'll also have Green Drinks and Protein Shakes, plus my Healthy Routine, which allows you to choose your own lunch, snack and dinner from my Meal Planner. The Meal Planner contains delicious recipes, an approved foods list, a portion-size guide, and more helpful tips that will make completing a 21 Day Detox a breeze. Plus, when you order the 21 Day Detox, I email you a downloadable copy of my recipe book, Making Cleansing Easier. A lot of people have no idea what to eat. But I take all the guess work out of meal planning. My recipes are filled with lots of low-starch veggies, healing herbs and spices and healthy, whole grains that don't promote inflammation. I also include some fruit as part of my Healthy Eating routine (but not too much), as well as legumes, lean protein and moderate amounts of healthy oils such as olive oil.

Squashing Colds With ... Squash, Soup And Other Awesome Autumn Veggies

Introducing winter squash, sweet potato, carrot, beets and other hearty antioxidant-rich veggies this time of year is a good strategy for boosting your immune system and aiding your body in the detox process. And when you do my 21 Day Detox, you'll get one of two delicious Detox soups for dinner: Carrot Ginger Zing and Sweet Potato Curry. The carrot ginger soup also contains yam, onion, garlic, turmeric, and sea salt with a base of filtered water. As for the sweet potato curry, it's loaded with leeks, onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and a gentle curry spice, flavored to taste with sea salt in a filtered water base. Although the Detox Soups are relatively low in calories, they are very nutrient dense, so you won't still be hungry and be tempted by empty carbs after having it for dinner. Here's what one Chef V customer, Mel H. of San Diego, has to say about the soup on Yelp:
The detox soup is DELICIOUS- I want to try the recipe on my own one of these days. After 3 days of cleansing I feel 100% better. I will absolutely do this cleanse again. Thanks Chef V. !
Mel didn't jump into the 21 Day Detox. She dipped her toe in the shallow end by doing my shortest detox program, the 3 Day Cleanse. If the sound of a 21 Day Detox intimidates you, doing a 3 Day Cleanse (or 5 day or 7 day) is a good alternative. Whether you choose the shorter cleanse or the 21 Day Detox, I'll tell you exactly what foods to eat in the days leading up to the program and for the days that follow it after you successfully finish it. So give your organs a tune-up now and get them in tip-top shape for the cold/flu season that's right around the corner. To your health, Chef V