Jill Ramirez: Lyme Disease, Healthy Living & Chef V

Jill Ramirez:  Lyme Disease, Healthy Living & Chef V

Meet Jill Ramirez: Lyme Disease Conqueror, Healthy Inspiration

Jill Ramirez is an inspiration to me - a woman who struggled with exhaustion and worry until she was finally diagnosed with Lyme Disease. Taking strong and positive steps, she is conquering her illness, advocating for fellow survivors and raising money for research. Jill describes her recovery process: "What have I done and what am I doing? I worked with a Lyme literate dr and was on antibiotics for 8 months and malaria meds for 4 months. I decided to come off everything in December. I’ve also been working with an integrative doctor and have been using #nutrition and supplementation along with hyperbaric oxygen treatments. I have a portable infrared sauna and use the #infrared mat every night to help #detox. I’ve used herbal tinctures and teas and use @hungovermd for IV vitamin supplementation. I maintain a positive mind and do @intensati to help me stay positive. I have read and still read and watch countless health related books and documentaries. It’s been a long road and will continue to be but I’m here for the ride and look forward to the day I’m at optimal health." I am proud to say that Jill uses my Chef V Green Drink and Cleanse!
Jmx0O2RpdiBzdHlsZT0mcXVvdDtwYWRkaW5nOjFweDsgY29sb3I6I2ZmZmZmZjsmcXVvdDsmZ3Q7LiZsdDsvZGl2Jmd0Ow== Jill uses Chef V Cleanses to supplement her healthy routine. She says: "3 day ChefV cleanse complete! And I’m still reaching for that #chefv green juice to start my day ? Why do I cleanse? To curb carb cravings (my gluten free pizza intake has increased in recent months ?), increase energy and stay clear headed throughout the day (no dips at 3pm), remove toxins, rest the gut and just get that healthy glow! Though I wasn’t trying to lose weight (I add lots of fat to my cleanse) I’m down 3 pounds (about 2.5%) If you’re looking for a jump start to clean eating, to lose weight, remove toxins or just want a quick break from your usual diet, the link to Chef V’s cleanse is in my bio." Check out her photos! https://chefvblog.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/05/Screen-Shot-2018-05-13-at-11.29.04-AM.jpghttps://chefvblog.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/05/Screen-Shot-2018-05-13-at-11.29.25-AM.jpghttps://chefvblog.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2018/05/Screen-Shot-2018-05-13-at-11.28.10-AM.jpgJmx0O2RpdiBzdHlsZT0mcXVvdDtwYWRkaW5nOjFweDsgY29sb3I6I2ZmZmZmZjsmcXVvdDsmZ3Q7LiZsdDsvZGl2Jmd0Ow==

Jill's Support of the Lyme Disease Alliance

Jill's experience with Lyme Disease has led to her advocacy - supporting The Lyme Disease Alliance in its research work and public awareness campaigns. Jill has a fundraising page on their website. She recently ran a half marathon in support of Lyme Disease - remarkable considering that at "one point I could barely make my daughter dinner as I went straight to the couch after a day in the office unable to move". Here's Jill's post about the run: "Thank you #universe for this mild Feb weather to help me train for the @threadsandtreads_greenwich April half! . 6 mile #run in the books - whoop! Coming back from #lymedisease and will be fundraising along with @slimeforlyme for @globallymealliance. I’m far from 100% and def still struggling with the neurological symptoms of #lyme but so #grateful that I’m able to do what I’m doing.".