Resources: Healthy Routine Schedule

Green Drink for managing diabetes
Between the times you are cleansing in your 21 Day Detox, you use the Chef V Healthy Routine for healthy eating. It includes daily servings of Green Drink, Ultra Shake and my healthy recipes for lunch and dinner. You may adjust the start time below, but be sure to follow the exact time intervals for maximum results. W3RhYmxlIGlkPTMgL10=Download Breakfast GuideDownload Lunch & Dinner GuideGo to Healthy Portions ChardJmx0O2RpdiBzdHlsZT0mcXVvdDtwYWRkaW5nOjVweDsgY29sb3I6I2ZmZmZmZjsmcXVvdDsmZ3Q7LiZsdDsvZGl2Jmd0Ow== REMEMBER
  • Drink at least six 8-16oz glasses of cold or hot filtered water every day.
  • Drink the Green Drink and Ultra Shake at your own pace, but do not exceed 30 minutes.
  • Always use COLD water with your Ultra Shake. Adding ice makes it even tastier.
Jmx0O2RpdiBzdHlsZT0mcXVvdDtwYWRkaW5nOjIwcHg7IGNvbG9yOiNmZmZmZmY7JnF1b3Q7Jmd0Oy4mbHQ7L2RpdiZndDs= Heather H. Tells you about her 21 Day Detox - it worked!