What Do I Eat Today - Menu with Chef V's Moussaka

What Do I Eat Today - Menu with Chef V's Moussaka
what do I eat today moussaka

This "What Do I Eat Today" menu starts with warm lemon water, then Green Drink. For breakfast, Easy Cereal with Chef V's Almond Milk. For lunch, my Creamy Sweet Potato Soup, and for dinner, Vegan Moussaka, demonstrated in this month's Chef V Cooking School video. Dessert is a creamy Chia Seed Pudding with fruit.


I have lemon water in the morning and then I wait until I'm hungry to have my Green Drink.

warm cinnamon quinoa

For Breakfast - Easy Cereal with Chef V's raw Almond Milk

Chef V’s Tip: My Raw Almond Milk is easy to make and so versatile; I use it throughout my book. Or, an ice-cold glass of it is refreshing on a hot summer day.

Get the recipe here.

This "What do I Eat today" lunch is Sweet Potato Leek Soup. Sweet potatoes are the uber tuber – packed with fiber and antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood sugar regulating nutrients. The best ways to prepare them for maximum health benefits are boiling, steaming and stir frying.

Get the recipe here.

Dinner - Vegan Moussaka

For dinner, you are having my Vegan Moussaka, made with healthier ingredients that will taste great and make you feel good. My vegan version of moussaka uses a dairy-free Béchamel sauce and mushrooms instead of meat.

This recipe is featured in my Cooking series on YouTube and you can watch me prepare the recipe here.

Chia seed pudding

Dessert - Chia Seed Pudding

For dessert or snack we offer a recipe for Chia Seed Pudding. Chia seed pudding is great for breakfast, dessert, or anytime, and kids love this recipe.

Get the recipe here.

Chia seeds are tiny superfood heroes. They come in either white or dark brown/black and have a huge nutritional profile.

Veronica pouring green drink